Hello everyone. Despite the very best efforts of Dr. Philibert & JP Buzzerbee himself, we are losing our little man.
Although we have attacked it with the best protocols possible, that vicious, disgusting, hateful cancer has taken hold of poor Buzzy's chest. Without subjecting the poor boy to hours of chemo drips and feeding-tubes, there is nothing more we can do to help our little boy fight. And at best, those efforts would buy us a week or two at most. Jim & I can't ask Buzzy to go thru all of that now, when he hasn't even been able to eat for a week.
We've all heard the phrase, "Say when . . . " well, we are saying "when" for our little man. The past 6 months have been so hard on him; it's just not fair to ask him to fight anymore.
With extremely heavy hearts, we have made an appointment for him on Thursday at 9:30 am. We ask that everyone understand our decision to let our little man go to a place where there is no cancer and no suffering.
We may post again soon, or we may need to take some time off; just not sure at this point.
Thank you all so very much for all of your care & support - it truly does mean the world to all of us.