here's the deal . . .
Just wanted to clear up some confusion on Fwankwin's post re: Gracie's destructive tendencies. Yes, it is indeed a scratching box which means it is made for scratching. What our crazy little sisfur does is bite/chew things to death. Biting a scratching box makes it unusable much faster. This upsets Twizzy & Fwankwin 'cause they actually use the scratching box for it's intended purpose . . . if it's "bwoken", they hafta wait for our momma to go buy a new one. (Sometimes she's kind'a lazy 'bout that . . . )
So anyhoo, that's the "issue" . . . don't know why the other guys don't just tear-up the carpet like I do - keeps things much simpler! >^..^<
oh, Gracie! You've got to leave some for your brofurs!
Gracie...eating the scratch box is not a good idea!!
Sorry, Jack. I say it's an excellent dental tool to keep our teeth clean and white, so I'm with your sis!
You mean you only just get to scratch?
Aha! So there was a real complaint in there. We didn't realize Gracie was cheating and chewing the scratching post. Is there such a thing as a cardboard deficiency in cats? Or does she just need her own box to chew on?
Carpet makes a great scratcher -- especially stairs. But Mom and Dad don't like when we do that. Gracie might not want to eat the box too much, but it's better than biting you.
Thanks for sharing your experiences here on your blog.
Gracie, we know that scratch box is your way from keeping it from your brofurs. Thanks for sharing the update. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
World of Animals
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