hi efurrybuddy . . . i'm fwankwin. we haven't bwogged in a really long time. lotz of stuff has happened - fur one thing, i got fat. i'm 16 pounds now and my doctor and my mom & dad say that's too many pounds. so my dad is gonna start taking me for walks to get some exercise. this is a picture of me "getting used to my harness" - i'm gonna tell ya right now, i'm not sure that's gonna happen. but i had a nice time in the sun with my dad, and i even found some bird poop to investigate. but then my mom realized what i was sniffin' and she kind'a freaked-out, so i had to stop. after i "get used to my harness" (yeah, we'll see 'bout that), my dad is gonna try walking me on the brick walking trail outside my house . . . stay tuned!
Good luck with the walking! I personally think there is never too much cat!
Perhaps you'll enjoy some outside walks.
Nice to hear from you again! Glad life is good out your way....
Going fur walks can be fun! Zippy will do it once in awhile, but not us. We won't even go outside unless we is in our kennel 'cuz outside is really scary.
I like to go out and walk too. Mom says I walk her more than she walks me. Have fun!
I can't believe how big you've gotten - you've certainly grown up into a good looking man cat!!
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