hi! i'm fwankwin bug. here's me 5 weeks ago when i came home. i was 6 weeks old. a nice lady found me & my brother in a ditch with no momma. she brought us to the vet. once my mom & dad saw me, they wanted to bring me home to live with them fur-ever. don't worry 'bout my ditch brother - he got to go to a fur-ever home with one of the nice vet ladies.
there's lotza stuff i wanna tell ya 'bout me
. . . Hello efurrybuddy, it's Twizzler. Franklin just fell off the table and is now chasing Jack, eating a piece of cardboard, and smacking a toy mousie all at the same time. I gotta say I'm pretty impressed he was able to concentrate as long as he did on his first post. Well, I don't want to steal his thunder, so we'll just let him finish his post next week.
Have a great week-end efurrybuddy!