"Please excuse meep, Twizzler, and Bear's absence from the blogosphere. The boys were all very helpful with the house moving, and needed to take a little break. Thank you. Sincerely, m&T&B's mom"
While we've been gone, we have had some "developments". First, we don't much like our DSL internet. At the old house we had cable that we (and our dad) loved. Let's just say that the new internet is a little "less reliable".
Okay, now for the more serious stuff. Poor little meepster has gone into congestive heart failure. He's not in any pain, and is on some medicines to help his condition. We're all just being real gentle with him and lettin' him know how much we love him. Right now he has good days & bad days; we're all tryin' to enjoy the good days as much as possible.
And as most of you know, Twizzler loves efurrybuddy, especially little meepster. So of course he's super-stressed-out 'bout meep bein' sick. We're not sure if that's the cause, but crazy Twizzler has literally pulled-out almost all of his furs. He's had all kinds of tests that come back negative for lots of nasty stuff, so it may be anxiety. Tomorrow he's gettin' a stinky "dip" that might help, but if that's not it, he may hafta go on anxiety/depression meds.
I know I'm still the new kid, but I luv my family furry much, and I'm sad that meep & Twizz aren't feelin' good. We promise to do a better job bloggin' and we'll keep efurrybuddy up-to-date as we know stuff.
Thanks for listenin'