"Please excuse meep, Twizzler, and Bear's absence from the blogosphere. The boys were all very helpful with the house moving, and needed to take a little break. Thank you. Sincerely, m&T&B's mom"
While we've been gone, we have had some "developments". First, we don't much like our DSL internet. At the old house we had cable that we (and our dad) loved. Let's just say that the new internet is a little "less reliable".
Okay, now for the more serious stuff. Poor little meepster has gone into congestive heart failure. He's not in any pain, and is on some medicines to help his condition. We're all just being real gentle with him and lettin' him know how much we love him. Right now he has good days & bad days; we're all tryin' to enjoy the good days as much as possible.
And as most of you know, Twizzler loves efurrybuddy, especially little meepster. So of course he's super-stressed-out 'bout meep bein' sick. We're not sure if that's the cause, but crazy Twizzler has literally pulled-out almost all of his furs. He's had all kinds of tests that come back negative for lots of nasty stuff, so it may be anxiety. Tomorrow he's gettin' a stinky "dip" that might help, but if that's not it, he may hafta go on anxiety/depression meds.
I know I'm still the new kid, but I luv my family furry much, and I'm sad that meep & Twizz aren't feelin' good. We promise to do a better job bloggin' and we'll keep efurrybuddy up-to-date as we know stuff.
Thanks for listenin'
We are purring for Meep and Twizzler. Bear, you look like you are doing a good job keeping everybody warm.
Bear, you're doing a great job taking care of your family - keep at it. We'll be purring for Meep and Twizzler. Take care of each other.
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Hi Bear! Thanks for catching everybody up on the latest. I'm real sorry that meep is having heart problems and hope that his medications help out. We know the girl and Jim are already taking the best care of him. And poor Twizz, too! My bro Eddie stressed in the same way. Mom wishes she could have given him meds but realized that whole process would have stressed him out even more, and he would have been completely bald! Maybe Feliway would help--we've never used that but it's been recommended. Maybe it was just all the moving activity and things will calm down.
Hang in there, everybody. We've got you in our thoughts!
We are purring for Meep and Twizzler. We agree with William, maybe once Twizz settles down from the move the anxiety will dissipate.
We's glad that y'all gotted moved all safely!! We's sending purrs yur way!
~Meeko & Kiara
Oh meep, this is not good news. Take your medicine and do what you need to be healthy. Glad to see the move went well.
Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about Meep. I hope that's all that is going on with Twizzler too. However, some cats are so very sensitive. Meep is lucky to have such a grand companion.
Dear Bear,
We are so, so sorry to hear the news about Meep. It just breaks our heart. We hope that Twizzler gets to the point where he does not pull his furs out.
We have you in our prayers.
You know we are praying for little Meep and Twizzler too. I had no idea Twizz was having fur problems. I bet he is stressed - poor little man. Take care and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Pam, Rowdy, Sneakers, Bones, Buddy, Binx and Mookie (and the Doxies - Molly, Teddy, Buttercup and Rusty)
oh friends, our mommys eyes is leaking big time, and so are ours. We loves you meep, and we wants you to feel ok. and Twizz, buddy, please concentrate on helping meep feel better and then you will forget how stressed you is.
We's purring fur all of you's.
Love and Purrs,
Bear, you are a wonderful furrsib! Sounds like you're taking wonderful care of Meep and Twizzler.
We're purring for them both over at the Cat Cafe.
Hi Bear, Meep and Twizzler
Meep buddy we is sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, and we hopes the medicines help you feel better and that you get lots of laps and extra snuggles. Twizzler we hopes that they can find out what is causing your to pull your beautiful furrs. We will keep you all in our purrayers...
Oh, Meep, we're so sorry you're not doing well. We're all purring our very hardest that you and Twizzler will both get better, and soon. And Bear, we're sending you big headbutts and purrs for being such a good caretaker!
& the whole Artsy Catsy staff
aw man, poor Meep. I'm sorry you have a hurty heart. I will purr and pray you have many more good days than bad days.
Twizzler, you're a good brother to be so worried, but you don't want to make yourself sick! I'll send you many comforting purrs and prayers. Perhaps your beans can try spraying Feliway. As a former feral, I can tell you that it really helped calm me down then...and even now during stressful times.
Bear, you are so sweet to worry about your furry siblings. I'm sure your warm "bear hugs" and furs make everyone feel better. puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs for all of you.
Bear, Don't you get stressed out. Looks like they need one to be calm and keep every kitty/dog informed.
We are sending warm purrs and (quiet) barks for Meep and Twizzler.
I'm very sorry to hear about Meep's health. I pray that the good days far outweigh the bad!
Little Twizzler ... sweetie, you need to try and calm down and be strong for Meep and mommy! *kissies to you*
Aw you guys, dis just makes me sad! It's hard to magine cat bloggin wif no Buzzerbee OR Meep. Take good care of Twizzler an Meep, ok Bear? Dat's yur job. Meep, we luf you furry much an don't efur want you to leaf, but you'll know when it's time. Buzzy an Bonnie will be waitin fur you. Hang in there, furiends!
We're visiting to brings purrs and stuff. I hope there are lots of good days and that Twizzler be less stressed out soon.
Oh no! Extra Mega Purrs coming your way from all of us! If anycat can take care of Meep and Twizz, it would be you, Bear. What a big, loving cuddle-fluff you are. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, love & hugs.
I'm so sorry Meep and Twizzler are not feeling well. My Mommy and I send you are best wishes.
we is gonna send purrs to make meep ans twizzler feels better and purrayers fur yurs fambly.
I'm sorry that Meep is unwell with his heart problem. Twizzler's hair pulling sounds like a stress issue (Feliway diffusers might help this - big time) The move might have been an issue too. Bear, we think you are doing a grand job of looking after everyone. It's good to see you all again too!
*rumbly purrs*
Whicky Wuudler
Oh man, dat really sux. Meep, we is purring and purraying fur ya guy. Sure hope Twiz stops pulling out his furs...It's hard to take care of effurybody isn't it Bear, but yoor doing a good job.
We are sending purrs, purrayers, and good health vibes your way!!!
~The Creek Cats~
We're purring and praying for you.
Oh dear. Meep, we're sending purrs that you have more good days than bad and that your little heart does the very best it can.
Twizzler, gentle headbutts and scritches to help reduce your stress. Spend time cuddling with Meep and Bear and your peoples.
Bear, keep your chin up and know that we're purring for you to continue to be strong for your family.
We find that cuddling with our momma and daddy helps when we don't feel good or are stressed.
Purrs and prayers,
Charlemagne and Tamar
We purring and purring for Meep and Twizzler.
Oh dear, we are sorry to hear about Meep and Twizzler. You are all such cuddly boys and so good to each other. You are a sweetie taking care of them all, Bear. Big purrs to all.
Fat Eric
From Hampshire in the YooKay, I am sending warm snuggles, purrs and headbutts.
We're sorry meep is not well...and we're sorry Twizzler is having problems...we're purring for them both...and you, too, Bear, cuz you seem like a special kitty too!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
oh, dear bear! you surely haf a plateful for bein' the "new kit" onna block! we are purrin' for meepster an' twizz (an' you an' the beans, too--you ALL needs some help).
meds can help both conditions a lot, so if they hafta take 'em, you can encourage them to be good an' not fight about it. that makes beans furry sad when they hasta fight wif their kitties, an' we kitties should only make them happy!
ed, nitro, an' xingxing
Aw man, dooooods.... Meep, I hope you do well. I know the Cat Who Came Before me did really well for a very long time. She couldn't play Chase The Red Dot anymore, but she was happy. I hope it goes as well for you.
And Twizz...dood...you kinda need those furs! It's much more fun to show your anxiety by peeing and pooping on peoples' things. And they get REALLY excited when you do! You might want to try that for a while instead...
We're sending tons of purrs and purrayers for meep and Twizzler. We're sorry that meep has congestive heart failure and we're sorry that Twizzler is pulling out his furs. Bear, give them tons of purrs and hugs!
Luf, Us
I am really sorry to hear about Meep. Now Twizzler is feeling sad :(
I will send some big purrs and hope they help.
Purrs Mickey
We are so sorry to hear about these developments! We are sending LOTS OF PURRRRSSSS! It is upsetting if one is sick - we understand - so we hope all the purrs that everybody is sending will help you both!
WBear, ww're sorry about your brothers not feeling so good. We'll purr and purray extra hard for Meep to stay well, and for Twizzler to relax and enjoy hanging out with you guys,
{{kitty hugs}}
Gypsy & Tasha
We will be purring for Meep and Twizzler!
moving is stressful, and then a sicklovebuddy is even more stress.
I will purr for all of you.
I hope you can get some better innernets.
Love always, Prinnie
we are all purraying for Meep here. I told Mystery all about Buzzerbee, too, and she unerstands. And mama says that one who went before me got anxious over another who when before me, and she had to be put on stress relievers, too, and they helped.
If Bear needs some help, lots of kitties would like to, I know. We could take turns being nursies.
love,brandi, mama Carol
and neighbor Mystery
Hang in there, Meepster. We're purrrrring for you.
Maybe Twizz will start to feel better now that mobing days are over, and his world is getting back to normal.
mew Bear. You are doing such a great job with Meep and Twiz. Stay close to your brothers.
And you doing a better job of blogging than I am ! jeez I have not posted since April. It's been so long that I have forgotten my Google password!~ I gonna get my Mummy to write a note too like yours did. That was a good idea. Anyway, sending you lots of purrs!
Tun Tun
Oh Bear, we're sorry to hear such bad news. Just keep taking care of your family. We'll be purrin' for you all.
I'm so sorry to hear about little meep, and Twizz being all stressed out. I hope it is just anxiety with Twizzler. We'll keep meep in our prayers and send him all kinds of purrs. That picture of you three together is so sweet ... spend as many moments like that as you can. Keep your heads up and stay strong ... and keep us in the loop (we know how crazy it gets and how easy it is to get behind though, and we'll be here when you have the time to post.)
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
Oh gosh we'll purr hard for alla yall! Uncle Milty has CHF and he gotted medycines and get better. We hopes Meep can too! We's sendin lotsa love n hugs.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
You're forgiven!
Happy Fangs-giving! Gobble, gobble, gobble ... 'urp!
DMM and the Feline Americans
Hi Bear! Me and Spot and Baby Jake are all purring for you guys. You have a big job taking care of Meep and Twizz. But we know your love for them will help a lot. We are sending our special purrs and nuzzles to your mom and dad too.
Just checking in ! Are you all OK? How is Meep? We've been purring for him. purrrrrrrrs
Just stopped by to let you know we are sending warm fuzzy purrs and head bonks your direction.
We are very sorry to hear about Meep. We are glad he is comfortable at least. Little Twizz, we hope you feel better real soon. We had a little Meezer at our house for two weeks and he was so stressed out he had diarrhea and a sore tummy.
Let us know any more happenings, Bear!
Just checking up on yoo guys...hope effurything is okay.
We hope everything is ok with you all and...
We wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Good will to all living things!
Whicky Wuudler & Family
Merry Christmas Meep, Twizzler, and Bear!
I hope that Meep and Twizzler are doing better now. A very Merry Christmas to all of you.
Merry Christmas! We hope Santa brought you everything you wished for, including good health.
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
Merry Christmas to you.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Merry Krissmiss and Happy Holidays to all of yoo frum all of us!
Skeezix, Mao, Rocky and TRIPPER
Just dropping in to say that we hope things are okay at your place, and that Meep is managing to have some great days hanging out with his family. We're still purring and purraying especially for Meep and Twizzler.
Have a great holiday season,
Gypsy & Tasha
I hope all of you kitties have a meowy new year. I'll be purring for Meep and Twizzler. My friend BoDiddley is on Prozac and I must say, he's a new cat.
I hope things are ok for you guys!
Happy New Year 2009!
We hope Meep and his brothers are doing better.
And we hope you had happy holidays.
we are just checking in to say Happy New Year and to see if Meep is ok. we are werried.
Just checking up on you guys.
Hopefully you had a great New years.
We are purring and praying for Meep & Twizzler and your family~! I am sure Meep & Twizzler will hand in hand together, don't worry about them :(
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