whoo hoo - it's here!
I wanna thank efurrybuddy for all the furry nice birthday wishes you sent - you guys are the best!
And oh yea - my stroller came from the guy in the brown truck! You can see how excited I am - I was meezin' all night 'til my dad put it together for me! It's really neat and I like it lotz - hopefully my mom can get some good pictures of me in it later.
(Yes, that is aluminum foil wrapped around the table leg in the back - mom & dad "shampooed" the carpet and hadta move the furniture back in while it was still kinda damp . . . 'course that was 4 days ago, so maybe it's time mom got off her butt and took the foil off . . . sigh, what am I gonna do with her?)
Hope efurrybuddy has a furry happy & safe Labor day weeek-end!