
I've been doin' pretty good - I did hafta go on depression/anxiety pills 'cause I pulled-out all of my furs. No, seriously - I really did pull 'em all out. The only place I wasn't bald was my face & head (and that was only 'cause I couldn't reach those furs). The meds have helped; almost all of my furs have grown back. Sometimes I still give a good tug and yank some out, but it's still way better than before.
Now for the really excitin' news - I have a new 'dopted brother! His name is "Jack" (kind'a after a famous movie pirate . . . ) - he's an FIV+ rescued House Panther (currently sporting a "lion-cut") and he only has one eye (hence the "pirate" theme!)
Jack is furry friendly and all he wants to do is give & get love! He just wants to sit in my mom or dad's lap and headbutt their faces. Seriously, he could do that all day! Me & Jack get along great too - we like to cuddle, give each other baths, and take turns chasing all around the house. Oh and another cool thing 'bout Jack - he talks almost as much as I do!
My mom & dad weren't sure they were ready for another kitty after losing Meep & Bear so close together. But they knew I was furry unhappy bein' an only-kitty. Of course I still miss my little brother Meep and my big brother Bear so much, but Jack is a great new brother. We get along so well that I kind'a think Buzzy, Meep, and Bear helped Jack to find me.