Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
con-cat-ulations to Puff & Spot!
they are gonna be Uncles!
i'm really behind on gettin' caught up with efurrybuddy and i finally got to read the story that's been goin' on at their house this summer - boy have their Mom & Dad been busy!
check-out Puff's bloggie for all the details.
me n' Twizzler are keepin' our paws crossed that Baby Jake gets a good report from the vet tomorrow and can officially join the family!
i'm really behind on gettin' caught up with efurrybuddy and i finally got to read the story that's been goin' on at their house this summer - boy have their Mom & Dad been busy!
check-out Puff's bloggie for all the details.
me n' Twizzler are keepin' our paws crossed that Baby Jake gets a good report from the vet tomorrow and can officially join the family!
thank you Miss Parker!

oh wow - Friday was a furry special day fur me - i found out that my friend Parker had nominated my bloggie for this furry nice award! it made me feel all fuzzy inside that she thought to do that for me!
i spent the whole week-end thinkin' 'bout who i wanted to nominate for the award and my answer was EFURRYBUDDY! but my mom said that i had to choose just a few and that got really hard. i don't know if there is an official number, but i narrowed it down to these:
Grr, Midnight, & Cocoa; Jasper McKitten-Cat and family; Magoo, Bella, Dolce, Baci (& Smudge); and Sammy & Miles Meezer. i wanted to nominate some others too, but i found out that they had already been nominated (maybe if my mom would let me use the 'puter when i want, things like that wouldn't happen). anyways, i wanted to nominate these bloggies 'cause they are all always furry positive even when sad things happen. me n' my mom would visit those bloggies when we were havin' a 'specially hard time with Buzzy bein' sick, and they always made us smile.
okay, i gotta go help my mom with the laundry . . . okay, bye.