cool kitties

meep: um, Buzz - do we hafta fly to Vegas? i get kinda woozy . . .
A Meezer (Twizzler), two House Panthers (Jack and Fwankwin), and a Tuxie (Gracie), in the tradition of those that came before (Buzzerbee, Meep, and Bear) continue what the Buzz started.
Hey, my People were talking about Vegas tonight, too! The Woman wants to go there to see stuff and eat at Schlotzsky's. Maybe everyone can stay with Nimbus :)
I never been to Vegas yet I think I would love it.Also Your a very beautiful kittycat such pretty eyes you have :)
Welcome to blogspot. Mama's never ben to Vegas. Schlotzskys, yes, but a long time ago since they moved out to the suppburbs, where ever that is.
Hi Buzz & Meep. Glad to see you made it to blogger. I updated my link to you.
Vegas, not been there. Mum says lot of the Shlotzkys around here. Not her favorite place.
How can cats fly? I've heard of horseflies and butterflies, but not catflies. You aren't hiding wings, are you?
you look soooo handsome, says my Mom. i wouldn't fly for all the catnip in pet supply plus. you must be very brave
You guys could borrow my Special Transport Crow. He's pretty big, so both of you could fit on him. He's the only way I fly.
Huggy Bear will be joining up with the House Panthers, so you'll see him over there. I usually handle the blogging responsibilities for our household, but my siblings are all excited about a chance to have their say somewhere!
Welcome to the new site!
cats can fly? i'll haf to try that. maybe i need to start from someplace higher than the railing, 'acause when i tried it afore, i crashed.
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